Lastpass safe reddit
Lastpass safe reddit

In our investigation, we have found no evidence that encrypted user vault data was taken, nor that LastPass user accounts were accessed. In their blog post, LastPass have made it clear, and I quote, While it’s natural to feel scared when you read a news like this, you have to realize that unnecessary panic just does not serve any purpose. Panicking, or worse, spreading false information via any medium, is just not the right way to respond to any crisis. Needless to say, this is the first thing that needs to be done. Dont let them steal your passwords | Shutterstock Don’t Panic

lastpass safe reddit

But, does that mean everyone ought to ditch LastPass and use something else? Are your passwords safe in the cloud? Can we trust the company again? That’s what we’re trying to find out.

lastpass safe reddit

So, when the story of the hack broke out a while ago, we were all in a state of shock.

lastpass safe reddit

We had loved LastPass so much that we had actually called it The Best Password Manager.

Lastpass safe reddit